Thursday, March 5, 2015

Why are you giving your money away for free?

John Pate business coach

Why are you giving your money away for free?

free cash
Why are you giving your money away for free?

Dear Reader,

Do you know that you are giving away your money

for free before you have a chance to enjoy its


We all do it! I’m guilty of it, I see people doing

it all the time and they don’t realize that they’re

giving their money away!

What am I talking about on this post today?

What drives people are the people that are

looking for stuff that is interesting and it

is fun to do, not a sales presentation.

On todays Success Team Alliance Call,

I share with you how to use a Method of

Operation to dramatical increase production

by tapping into what drives people! (Recording of Today’s Team

Call 3-5-15)

A lot of times when we get in business or start a

home based business, we immediately turn into a


We take out our personality that we use to have and

we put on the suit and we put on this act or persona of

being straight laced and super intense and then we want

to share the business presentation or sell!

Maybe you can relate to this, we are going to sell

something because I am in a New Thang!

The reason why that doesn’t work is because you’re

only targeting one person out of a hundred.

What about the other 99 that are ready to buy from you?

How do you get them to buy from you is a great question?

Well if you know that everybody is looking for stuff

that’s interesting and fun then you want to put that

material on your website or blog!

When you find what people are sharing, and fanatical

sharing it all over the world, well instead of giving

that traffic away for free, bring that traffic to your


That way you share it from your point of origin or

it’s a controlled environment. when you do that once

a person reads the post they share their comment,

they like the video they’re going to naturally peruse

your site or blog and tell others-Word of Mouth


Guess what, they’re going to find a presentation that

you’re selling something and without you knowing about

it they watch the presentation and buy it because when

you have thousands of people on your site or blog,

you’re going to have some 40 or 50 that’s going to click

thru and watch your presentation that brings you sales!

Even if it is a bad presentation-this is for the one’s

trying to be perfect before they take action lol..

That’s how you do that on a daily consistent basis is

to find what people are talking or sharing and put that

video or article on your site, then join the conversation!

So the next time you want to share information with someone

make sure you’re sharing it from your site or blog that you

control that way so that way you’re bringing the eyeballs

or the traffic to you and then they will tell other people,

free of charge, about the material that you have, now you

have traffic, when you have traffic they will see your ad

or product that you are selling and you will have sales

because you made them feel good, interesting or fun material

and feeling good thats what leads to people to buy from you

in a non threatening way.

Hope this helps, share interesting and fun material even if it is

someone elses material, you get backlinks and that author of the

material will love you for sharing it so he will send you more

traffic than you can dream because people love to be entertained.

Do this with many people and you will have a screaming amount

of traffic for free, that will buy from you.

Make it a great day and share on purpose!

To ensure you have proper content and attention material to

market correctly, I invite you to join our live Team Call

M-F at 11am Est. for a fun, empowering 15 minutes that will

change you and your life Forever.

Dial 712-775-7031

PIN 375401198#

If your looking to monetize your content, Now, feel free to

browse around here a simple, yet powerful

business model that anyone can afford, with a very large return

with minimal upfront, 1-time-ONLY!

If you enjoyed this content or the recording please blog, share

or comment.

your circle will be truly grateful.

To your best life, Today…

John Pate

The PMS Expert

P.S, PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? The solution

is located here:

The post Why are you giving your money away for free? appeared first on John Pate business coach.

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