Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Do you Celebrate past Victories?

John Pate business coach

Do you Celebrate past Victories?

Do you Celebrate past Victories?


Do you Celebrate past Victories? or are they a distant memory?

If your reading this that means you have had success in your life, we all do, but it is really easy to go for the new success overlooking the power at your disposal!

On todays Success Team Alliance Call, I share with you the second fastest way to get what you want, the first was on yesterdays call, laughter you can visit it here!

(Recording of Today’s Team Call 3-12-15)

Life ever get you down, feel like nothing goes your way? It is natural, we all have been there at one point or another. It doesn’t have to be that way, there is a way to switch on the Financial and Time Freedom switch Instantly!

What is the switch you may ask? Like yesterdays topic, which is the Number 1, today I want to show you another very simple technique that will rocket you back into the state you need to be in for success to find you!

Remember your past victories!

Sounds too easy right? Well, truth be known, success is very easy! You have most likely been taught or shown that it is hard, if success seems hard to you, STOP what you are doing, as your not on the right path.

Success comes as easily as breathing, you don’t have to force it and if you have been trying to force success, you have bought into the lie that the greedy want you to believe! There is an easier way that works!

You see, to have success you have to be operating from a level where success operates and the second fastest way to get there is to remember your past victories. When you remember your past victories, that is the feeling that drives success, is it hard to do, NO, but far too many times we are trying and trying and forget the easy stuff (as Success is easy) all you have to do is stop and remember your past victories.

You discount Laughing or remembering past victories maybe because it is a waste of time, your to sophisticated or life has kicked your butt and you have gotten the habit of wallowing in your despair?

The good news is the moment you remember your past victories, your mind is flooded with that feeling you had and that is the key to pulling in success, despair shuts it off, past victories ensures future or Now victories.

For example, if Life knocks me down hard, even while I am face down my habit of mind instantly rushes to my past victories, here is just a few examples so you know how to do this:

Past victories (just a handful):

Winning $10,000 dollars on Valentines Day 2013: Proof Here10k winner



DSCN0341My first 4 figures in one day! $6,000 what a great day that was, Wow!




83k one dayMy biggest day to date making money from home $83,000 in 1 Day, it was a Friday April 2014 in Houston, Tx! As you can imagine, that weekend was one for the History books :-)




2-6-15 018Loosing over a 120lbs, I use to way 330lbs I now weigh 210lbs all I have to do is look in the mirror and this Victory is always looking back at me NOW! Yeah…




Or I think about, or call or read something from my Super Hero’s as it always gets me back on track, here they are as I want to give them a shout out for being awesome Friends and Mentors of mine, love you guys:

My mentors are down below, I could not be the person I am without there guidance!

John Chow – Master Blogger and Entrepreneur

Anthony Morrison – Rock Star Traffic Generator and Coach

Andrew Naser -Video SEO Specialist

Zac Johnson- Elite Blogger and Trainer

Neil Patel- He is responsible for almost a Billion visitors to companies sites

Ray Higdon- 7 figure Income Earner “Network Marketing”

Dave Wood – World’s Best Blogger and Entrepreneur ranked at #9 in the world

David Sharpe – Sales Funnel Genius and ranked at #9 in the world

Jeremy Miner – The Greatest Salesman I have ever met, ranked 45 out of over 60 million reps!

I could go on and on, just doing this post for you I am flying high remembering my past victories and totally thrilled about the success I know it will bring you, if only you apply this for the victories in your Life!

My point is when Life has you by the neck, you can fight back and destroy that hold by automatically reaching back to a past victory and when you do, you are instantly at the correct state of mind to allow all the good and great to come to you. Try it, reach for a past victory and see if you feel what I am talking about, doing this regularly strengthens the connection to Victory and next thing you know, you have a new Victory to use, Every time!

I know you have had victory, even if it is small to others, to you it is the keys that unlocks it all, and you deserve it all. Dare to reach back for a past victory and it will show you how to have new victories, like magic!

What are some of your Past Victories? Use them it is your secret Weapon!

To ensure you have proper content and attention material to market correctly, I invite you to join our live Team Call M-F at 11am Est. for a fun, empowering 15 minutes that will change you and your life Forever.

Dial 712-775-7031 PIN 375401198#

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If you enjoyed this content or the recording please blog, share or comment below with your favorite platform for sharing. Thank you!

To your best life, Today…

Coach John Pate The PMS Expert

P.S. PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? The solution is located here:

P.S.S. – Caution: If you experience a sudden influx of success lasting so long it concerns you, or if you triple your income in less than 30 days, because you implemented my 2 easy steps, please call your CPA or tax adviser at once and take a vacation. You did it….Easy wasn’t :-)


The post Do you Celebrate past Victories? appeared first on John Pate business coach.

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