Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Closely guarded Secrets on Why Receiving Is Critical For Your Success

John Pate business coach

Closely guarded Secrets on Why Receiving Is Critical For Your Success

Closely guarded Secrets on Why Receiving Is Critical For Your Success

Are you great at receiving small or big gifts? Take a moment and take your temperature and see if your well enough to receive Success.

Do you feel like you owe something to someone when receiving a gift?

Today, I want to share with you the critical part of Success that most everyone overlooks andthat is Receiving Well.

On todays Success Team Alliance Call, I share with you how to determine your Receiving abilities and why it is critical to master this aspect so that you can have Success now not later!

(Recording of Today’s Team Call 3-10-15)

We’ve heard it over and over: It is better to give than to receive. Yes, giving will bring you rewards. I’ll talk about that later, and there’s no question that’s true. But if you give all the time and never allow yourself to receive, guess what? You’ll never get rich in any way, shape, or form. So, take your temperature. What does the thermometer say? Are you too cold about receiving what you want? Look back over your life and ask: How many opportunities have I turned down because (1) I was afraid of receiving because I didn’t feel deserving or (2) I was afraid I wasn’t up to the task?

This is exactly one of the reasons why so many people who come into money end up sufferingfrom that reticulating activation shift. Lucille Ball once said that her ex-husband Desi Arnaz (you know, Ricky Ricardo from “I Love Lucy”) was someone who always lost what he gained. He couldn’t hold onto anything because he hadn’t changed who he was on the inside to match what he gained on the outside.

If you manage to gain what you want, you’re so close to being able to keep it! All you have to do is a little bit more work to change the painting you have created on the inside. If you don’t feel you’re up to a task, learn how! If you don’t think you deserve what you want, you’ll need to turn up the temperature on your thermometer and affirm that you are deserving.

Know that it’s your birthright to have what you want! The hotter you turn up your thermometer, the more greatness you’ll be able to receive.

If you don’t work on your ability to receive, you’re likely to stay uncomfortable having what you want, and that discomfort is going to make you a repellent to what you want. You’re going to be like Raid to your desires! Then, when someone offers you a gift, whether it’s money or time or an exotic vacation, you’re likely to say no when what you really want to say – admit it – is, “Thank you! That would be nice.” So, work on feeling comfortable with receiving!

It feels good when you give, right? Well, it feels good to other people, too. Why would you deprive them of the joy of giving to you? Let the giving and receiving flow in both directions, and try to stay balanced. Don’t give everything without getting anything in return, and don’t get all the time without ever giving.

Then, when you do receive, express true gratitude. That attitude of gratitude will bring you more of the same.

If receiving is hard for you, start with receiving the little things gracefully and gratefully. I found six one-dollar bills on the ground outside the grocery store recently.

Now, do I need $6? No, not really, but I was happy as a turtle on a log to find it because it was a little gift from the universe! And I was so grateful for it that I turned around and found another $15 on the ground before I ever left the parking lot.

Try just accepting a compliment without discounting it or saying, “Oh, no” or without feeling the need to reciprocate. If you can begin to accept the small things, you will start to be more comfortable receiving bigger, greater things.

The more deserving you feel of the things that you want in your life, the more magnetic you will become to those things. Until you heat up your thermostat and become magnetic to your desires, a part of you will receive something and subconsciously say, “That doesn’t match my inner pictures, so I reject that.” Then, before you know it, this wonderful thing you have received will bounce off of you like rubber.

Make a point today and forever to enjoy receiving in every area of your life, when you do, you will be a Success.

Receiving is a critical part of success, as you have read above, just being able to receive a compliment (truly receive it) without blushing, or using a sarcastic remark to sluff it off, you will soon find that, Receiving is the Key, the more you Receive the more you automatically want to Give, and the circle is complete.

I know your great at Giving, but don’t forget the otherside of the equation- Receive! The better and more comfortable you get at “Receiving” the more life will open up to you. Try it, as a matter of fact, here is your first test of Receiving, ready?

I love you! You’re Awesome!

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To your best life, Today…

Coach John Pate The PMS Expert

P.S. PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? The solution is located here:


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