Friday, March 27, 2015

The Power of I Am

John Pate Business Coach

The Power of I Am

The Power of I Am

i am

Throughout life you’ve been through a conditioning process that’s created a mind-set overflowing with I am nots. As a schoolchild with a less than satisfactory grade on your report card, you thought to yourself, I am not smart. You place anywhere other than number one and say, I am not talented. You feel criticized and believe that I am not good. You look in the mirror and compare yourself to a glamorous movie idol or homecoming queen and tell yourself, I am not attractive. Your relationship fractures and you think, I am unloved or I am unworthy. These, and many more like them, are repeated throughout your developmental years and into adulthood, and become your core defining self-concept.

Overcoming this I am not mentality begins with trusting your inner world of spirit. There are no boundaries restricting your inner world. But your worldview and your self-concept in the outer world are defined by your five senses. The outer world is always changing, which, by our definition, means it is not real. This awareness that what remains unchanging is the only reality could lead you to experiencing a majestic wake-up call right here, right now.

Run through as large an inventory as you can of the things that you would like to define your life. Then make the shift in your imagination from an I am not or I am hoping to become to I am. You want what follows I am to be congruent with your highest self, which is God. Beginning with your inner dialogue, simply change the words that define your concept of yourself. Redefine your self-concept by choosing the words that you opt to place into your imagination. Try this rewording of your inner world as a beginning step to accessing the assistance of your higher self and fulfilling your desires.

Instead of I am incapable of getting a job, shift to I am capable. Similarly, replace proclamations of I am not able to live in peace with I am peace. I am unlucky in love is replaced by I am love. I am unworthy of happiness becomes I am happiness. The words I am, which you consistently use to define who you are and what you are capable of, are holy expressions for the name of God—the highest aspect of yourself. Break lifelong habits of unwittingly besmirching this holy name. Discontinue using pejorative labels to cast aspersions on your holy self. Always make your very first consideration the honoring of your Divine spirit. This will allow you to rise to previously unimagined heights. Teach your outer self to accept the unlimited power of your inner spirit and the things you place in your imagination can become true for you.


What is this creative power of I AM and equally as important how exactly can you begin to consciously and intentionally utilize it in YOUR life to begin experiencing your fondest dreams and desires???

As you’ve discovered through exploring and becoming “aware”, there are varying degrees or stages which exist in the creation process.

The Power Of I AM, once understood provides yet another “profoundly empowering” and quite enlightening bit of awareness that will, with unwavering certainty assist you in seemingly “miraculous” ways, when recognized and “consciously applied” enable and empower you to begin creating and experiencing a kind and quality of life is available to all but that far too few have the good fortune or the awareness to experience.

I can assure you that “good fortune” or “bad fortune” is nothing more or less that a choice limited only by the depth and quality of awareness that you choose for yourself.

Becoming “consciously aware” of The Power Of I AM and the crucial role it plays in every aspect of your life will serve as another tool…an additional tool in your arsenal of knowledge which if applied will enable and empower you to begin “consciously, purposefully and intentionally” charting your course and experiencing “good fortune” in every area of your life whether physically, financially, relationally, emotionally or spiritually.

So how is it that the words I AM determine, affect and alter your physical experience?

From a strictly physical perspective, when you begin to become conscious of the words which follow I AM in your day to day interactions, you will begin to see the interconnectedness between those words and the events, conditions and circumstances unfolding in the various aspects of your life.

You will begin to become more consciously aware of the underlying thought processes which initiate the verbal expressions following I AM which will heighten your awareness as to how and why your individual life experiences are unfolding and producing the results that you are and have experienced at some point in the past.

Through developing this understanding you will become enabled and encouraged to become more conscious of it’s use and as a result enhance your future outcomes.

As is covered in depth in the Universal Laws article , the words you speak which are for the most part determined by your predominant thoughts and beliefs are in essence a form of projected energy which activates the Law Of Attraction and attracts to itself energies of a harmonious vibrational frequency which initiates the Law Of Growth resulting in the creation of the physical events, conditions and circumstances experienced in your life.

The underlying thoughts and beliefs which serve as the source for your spoken words can become easily recognizable and adjusted if necessary to harmonize with the attraction of your desired outcomes.

Source NEVER says no but only provides outcomes…physical and otherwise of YOUR choosing.

This choosing is done at the level of the subconscious mind where deeply embedded beliefs are stored which serves as the communication device with Source, whatever you might perceive Source to be, and determines with unwavering certainty what you are creating and what you will attract and experience in your life based only on and determined by the kind and quality of that communication.

You have been provided an inalienable right of free will to think, speak and act in any way that YOU choose.

What is it that you are choosing and claiming for yourself?

Is it…

I AM always broke

I AM sick and tired


Creation always begins at the unseen level. Although you may not have the capacity from a physical perspective to see, feel, hear, taste and smell this “unseen” realm, something is ALWAYS in the process of being created. Creation NEVER rests. It is constant, unfailing, unwavering.

Your inability to experience this process of creation with the limitations of the 5 physical human senses is what separates most from the understanding and awareness that is necessary to begin “consciously” creating desired results.

What you have thought, spoken and acted upon at some point in the past is being played out in physical form…in your life…today…in the here and now.

If what you are currently experiencing are “less than desired” outcomes, it is only due to what you have been asking for whether that asking is being done “consciously” or “unconsciously.”

One vitally important place to become “conscious” of is what it might be that you are proclaiming yourself to be. What are you verbalizing? What commands are you projecting? What words follow I AM?

To begin creating different results it’s necessary to change the thoughts, beliefs, words and actions that serve as “the seed” and have created those conditions.

It’s what is referred to as becoming “conscious of your consciousness” and changing that which you discover is “disharmonious” and creating the polar opposite of what it is that you desire to experience.

For every creation there is a seed…a cause. Universal Law or what I like to refer to as The Perfect Plan NEVER fails or wavers. It is eternal. It exists in all things. It always has and always will exist and continue to operate with unwavering and predictable certainty.

The key for many is first of all to become “consciously aware” of how and why it works the way it does and once understood, begin to “consciously” harmonize your thought, word and deed with it’s immutable and unwavering power which initiates the creative process that will without fail begin to produce what most would “perceive” to be miracles.

Make no mistake…

Creation is ALWAYS a miracle. Your life is a miracle. YOU are a miracle. Every event, condition and circumstance experienced in your life is a miracle…a creation which is derived from and made possible due to a “seed.” The kind and quality of the experienced miracle is limited only by the kind and quality of the seed that YOU choose to plant and nurture.

The words that you speak which follow I AM can prove to be a valuable clue in determining what “seeds” you are planting and ALWAYS determine the kind and quality of miracles you are creating.

If you are not creating and experiencing the “desired” outcomes you merely need to become conscious of and shift the mindset…the paradigms…your perceptions with regard to “reality” and your reality will take on new form…miraculously.

What follows the words I AM serve as the barometer with regard to what you are thinking and believing at some level which in turn determines what will be experienced in the physical world…in YOUR life.

The process of creation, once understood and looked at from a deeper perspective than what can be seen and experienced in “physical form” is simplicity in itself.

It’s not, nor ever has it been complicated. In fact it is simplicity in itself. What makes it “appear” as difficult to believe and apply is only due to what you have allowed yourself to “believe” and store as truth at the subconscious level with regard to how and why your life works and unfolds the way it does.

When you become “aware” of it, you can then choose and begin to consciously, intentionally and purposefully changing the creative seeds which are producing the harvest, or not.

It’s ALL about choice. It’s ALL about free will. It’s ALL about energy. The energy that you choose to project is within your control. With this being “true”, what you experience in EVERY aspect of your life is also within your control.

The Power Of I AM will become clearly evident to you once you make the choice to become “conscious of” and shift the I AMs that are “unconsciously” being projected which you discover are disharmonious with your consciously desired outcomes which are, have been and will continue into infinity, creating your physical reality unless and until you make a “conscious choice” to change them.

Align and harmonize what you are claiming for yourself through the Power Of I AM with what you have a “conscious desire” to experience and you will begin to see those desires fulfilled in your physical world.

The process NEVER fails…It CANNOT. You only need to make an unshakable commitment to become more “conscious” and aware of how and why this is true and begin to think, speak and act in ways that solidify your underlying “belief” in that which you most desire to experience and that which you desire will be experienced just as you “believe” it will.

Become Conscious Of What You Are Creating Through “I AM” And You’ll Have Discovered Yet Another “Secret” To Experiencing Harmony And Fulfillment In EVERY Aspect Of Your Life

Doing so is a choice that will prove to change the entire course of your life physically, financially, relationally, emotionally and spiritually.

Whatever choices you might choose to make, it is our sincere and heartfelt hope for you that those choices might lead you one step closer to a life experience of fulfillment, joy, profound inner peace and limitless prosperity in each and every area of your life.

What we choose to refer to as Abundance and Happiness.

This is an Awesome Video on the power of  I Am

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To your best life, Today…

Coach John Pate

The PMS Expert

P.S. PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? The solution

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