Thursday, March 26, 2015

How to make money from a Brand New Blog

John Pate Business Coach

How to make money from a Brand New Blog

How to make money from a Brand New Blog


Are you curious how to make money from a brand new blog ? Would you like to make $100.000 a month within 1 year? or any money at all?

Do you think it is possible?

Even if you are a seasoned pro or an absolute newbie at blogging, this post will open you up to a whole world of success. Oh, did I mention, you can do this with very little money to start? How much would it be worth to you to see how this can be done, for free, step by step?

(Recording of Today’s Team Call 3-26-15) Powerful Video there as well…

Great News!

It is happening now, about a week ago, my Mentor Neil Patel, wrote a blog post asking his audience to vote on a topic for an experiment he was going to document. You can read it here

Neil Patel, you may have heard of him, is doing a step by step tutorial to show how it is done.  Even though he has had major success in this space, Neil is choosing to start a brand new blog in a field he knows nothing about to show exactly how and why a blog can generate over a $100,000 a month with very little money, or using any of his existing traffic to accomplish this for you. Step by Step!

It sounds pretty lofty but if you have a road map on how to do it from the start, then it is pretty simple. Here is the article he did about a week ago announcing this and how he let his reader vote on what type of blog to start.

Here is how to start right out the gate, from Neil:


In an ideal world, the older your domain name is, the easier it is to get rankings. From now till April 1, I’ll be looking for a website in the nutrition space that hasn’t been updated in years and buy it for $100.

Doing this will give me a head start and make it easier for me to generate traffic.

If I bought a brand new domain name, I could build up the domain, but it wouldn’t rank as high in the search engines. Going on my experience, I am estimating the difference in search traffic will be roughly seven-fold.

For that reason, I’ll be manually emailing people within the nutrition space with a message that looks like this: The actual email he is using, below:

Hey [insert their name],

I noticed that you haven’t updated [insert their URL] in over a year. Is there a reason why?

I am really passionate about the nutrition space, and I would hate to see your website die. If you want, I can take it over for you… Heck, I don’t even mind purchasing it.

Just as a heads up though, I don’t have a ton of money to spend, but if you are interested in keeping your website alive, shoot me a reply back. :)



P.S. The last thing I want is your hard work to go to waste.

How many times do you and I rush out and buy a brand new domain that is catchy and relevant to the space or theme that we are looking to dominate?  If your like most, all the time!

I found this wonderful article on how to look for aged domains that, like Neil said, will get you roughly a 7 fold return on organic traffic right out of the gate. This article has a step by step video on how to look and obtain an aged domain to get you up and running fast!

The next area to concentrate on, as Neil laid out, was:

The simplest way to generate more traffic to a blog is through Facebook. Why? Because once you build a loyal Facebook following, you can continually market your blog posts to those fans.

That means each of your blog posts will get more social shares, comments, and linkbacks.

As I build up my Facebook fan page, I’ll keep you in the loop on the strategies I’m using and show you how you can replicate what I’m doing.

Here is an excellent article that you can read to get up to speed, it will help you to understand exactly how to properly do this critical area.

The next step, Neil is going to show the right way for content creation:

Content creation

Whether I have a domain or not, I will start creating content on nutrition. Because I’m trying to show you that this can be done on a budget, I’ll have to research the space and write the content myself.

It looks like each post is going to take me 3 to 6 hours to write as I am not very familiar with the space. Each content piece should be over 2,000 words long to make my blog the most detailed nutrition blog on the web as detailed content tends to rank better on search engines.

In essence, I will be copying the same strategy I use on

I know there is a big debate about word length of a blog post, and I agree with Neil, that a blog posts length should be around 2,000 words, because it shows the SEO Engine that the content is depth and is revelant to the searcher for that particular search phrase. Here is proof if your desiring it, so you can see the numbers yourself:

What design will you use? Here are Neil’s thoughts on the matter


As for the design, I am going to use a free WordPress theme. I may buy one from WooThemes  if I can’t find a good one for free.

My overall goal is to not invest any money into web design until the site is generating at least 500,000 visitors a month and I can start monetizing the audience.

Don’t spend too much on a design according to this blog post by Neil- Read more here:

I spent around $5,000 getting Pronet Advertising designed. What I didn’t realize is that you don’t need to have a cool design to have a popular blog. If you look at some of the most popular blogs on the web, such as Boing Boing, there isn’t anything special when it comes to their design.

The main thing you should be concerned about when it comes to your blog’s design, is that it needs to be usable and simple.

Have a unique design

With Quick Sprout, I am using a generic blog design. It looks great, but too many people are using it. This is making my blog blend in with thousands of other blogs. Because of this, I have two options:

1.Modify the theme and make it look different

2.Change the design

According to Neil on his Final Thoughts for the beginning of this experiment:


It’s still early, and most of this information is very high level. But the purpose of this post is to show you that I am moving forward.

And as I progress each month, I’ll write a blog post sharing my progress and showing you the specific steps I’m taking to reach the $100,000 a month in income. You too can follow along and copy me as it will help you generate more income as well.

So, are you excited to see how easy it is to make $100,000 a month?

If you are I invite you to follow along with me over the next year so that you too can make money from a brand new blog site, following the over the shoulder methods that are tried and true.  Be sure to head over to Neil Patel’s blog here and subscribe to his blog so that you receive timely updates as he puts them out.

If you will follow this blueprint, you too will be well on your way to having a very profitable blog site in a niche that you are passionate about. I highly recommend this blog site as it is your 1 stop shop for starting a brand new blog that can and will be profitable, if you follow the steps given.  Enjoy the ride, it is going to be a fun one, Are you in it to win it, or were you just bored?

To ensure you have proper content and attention material to market correctly, I invite you to join our live Team Call M-F at 11am Est. for a fun, empowering 15 minutes that will change you and your life Forever.

Dial 712-775-7031

 PIN 375401198#

If your looking to monetize your content, feel free to browse around here

If you enjoyed this content or the recording please blog, share or comment below with your favorite platform for sharing. Thank you!

To your best life, Today…

Coach John Pate

The PMS Expert

P.S. PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? The solution is located here:

The post How to make money from a Brand New Blog appeared first on John Pate Business Coach.

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