Monday, March 23, 2015

Secret Revealed-The Most Powerful 4 Words for Success

John Pate Business Coach

Secret Revealed-The Most Powerful 4 Words for Success

Secret Revealed-The Most Powerful 4 Words for Success

Magic words for Success

Do you know the secret to having anything You desire in this Life? Would you believe it is as easy as using 4 words in the correct order to create Magic?

It is so simple that everyone forgets to use this powerful formation of words in every situation.

Curious as to what it is?

On todays Success Team Alliance Call, I share with everyone the most powerful phrase to attain anything you want in life faster and easier than you could imagine!

(Recording of Today’s Team Call 3-12-15)

By now you have heard how important Your Belief’s are and why being open to receive is the key to your success. Lets not forget the power of Your words that we discussed last week.

Let me share what the secret phrase is, I was reading (remember the 8 core commitments to success?) an article from August 1934 written by Kenneth Hagin which lead me over to a Kenneth Copeland video, and a light bulb went off like an explosion of excitement and I just had to share with you my potent phrase that I have used over and over again to have, be, do whatever I choose! I normally would have shared this with you a longtime ago, it is such a habit that I totally forgot to share it with you but;

Here it is:

The Secret Revealed-The Most Powerful 4 Words for Success

I believe I receive

I Believe I Receive…

You see, when you use your words correctly, coupled with our Belief and are open to Receive, your on your way to wealth and success.

Think about this. Lets say your struggling to make money online with your home based business venture? Using this powerful formula above you could say

I Believe I Receive all my Financial Needs Met or I Believe I Receive 2 sales a day.

The reason why this word combination works like magic is because You are saying I Believe, when you activate your belief, no power in the world will change it as it is Your Power to control that belief.

Now for the 2nd part of the equation, when you say I Receive, that means you are open to receiving what you believe. When your open to receiving, all the good and great is allowed in because your allowing yourself to Receive per your “I” statement which is you giving you permission.

When both of these powerful traits are combined into I Believe I Receive, all you have to do is fill in the blank after it with whatever your Desire is, and the second you do, all the forces of the Universe will rush to ensure its delivery.

This phrase works in every area of your life, Health, Relationships, Intellectual, Spiritual and Money.

Here are some examples on how to apply it correctly for each area:

I Believe I Receive Perfect Health.

I Believe I Receive empowering friendships.

I Believe I Receive Unlimited Wisdom.

I Believe I Receive Spiritual Awakening.

I Believe I Receive Unlimited Wealth and Riches.

These are just some examples on how to apply this very simple, yet powerful phrase to command the object of your desire. It works on big desires as well as small ones. Try it out on something small so you know that this works. Start off with a cup of coffee or a Free Lunch.

Above all else, have fun with this phrase, “I Believe I Receive” just fill in the blank after it and watch your world explode into one of aww and envy! Use it often, or whenever something comes up that makes you worry or stressed out? When that happens, just remember to say either to yourself or outloud, I Believe I Receive (fill in the blank).

This works everytime! Start today on using your power effectively and on purpose and before you know it, your phrase will grow into HUGE Requests because you know it works and works well. When you see it and experience it for yourself, the sky is the limit on even bigger requests. I know you will love the results of “I Believe I Receive” share this with those you care about and you will be on your way to a blissful life in record time, starting with YOU!

To ensure you have proper content and attention material to market correctly, I invite you to join our live Team Call M-F at 11am Est. for a fun, empowering 15 minutes that will change you and your life Forever.

Dial 712-775-7031

PIN 375401198#

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If you enjoyed this content or the recording please blog, share or comment below with your favorite platform for sharing. Thank you!

To your best life, Today…

Coach John Pate

The PMS Expert

P.S. PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? The solution is located here:

P.S.S. WARNING- Using this phrase will cause you to have, be, do anything you can Dream of, choose wisely, You have the Power Now!

The post Secret Revealed-The Most Powerful 4 Words for Success appeared first on John Pate Business Coach.

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