Friday, March 13, 2015

Is this your missing link for success?

John Pate business coach

Is this your missing link for success?

missing link

Is this your missing link for success?

Gratitude is a key to bringing abundance into your life

On todays Success Team Alliance Call, I share with you the missing link for your success!

 (Recording of Today’s Team Call 3-13-15)

Gratitude awakens amazing relationships

No matter who you are dealing with, whether it’s vendors, co workers, suppliers, supervisors, managers, employees, or even friends and loved ones, try to make yourself aware of things they do that you are thankful for.

Take the time to sincerely express that gratitude freely and often. When you have an attitude of gratitude, the law of abundance is able to open up to you in ways that otherwise would not be possible.

Your showing of gratitude for others makes others feel good about themselves, and in turn you feel good, and it begins a cycle of paying it forward.

A simple thank you note can go a long way in building great relationships in both business and in life.

Great leaders are humble and grateful

Have you ever been around someone who talks only of themselves and brags about the things they do, or the things they have?

It’s like that Toby Keith song: “Let’s talk about me, let’s talk about I, let’s talk about number one oh my me my…”

It’s exhausting being around people who can’t see outside themselves to be able to look at what amazing things others have to offer.

Zig Ziglar says:

“Conceit is a weird disease.  It makes everyone sick…except the one who has it!”

-Zig Ziglar

What separates a good leader from a bad leader?

A bad leader is often egotistical, judgmental and unforgiving.

A bad leader is somebody who is basically in it just for himself or herself, and could care less about others.

On the other hand, good leaders are those who are humble, open and grateful.  Gratitude is an extremely important trait to have to be an effective leader.

Rather than forcing their opinions and desires upon others, great leaders find ways to inspire, motivate and encourage the team to become great too.

True leadership is all about inspiration.

When you thank others, it gives you the proper mindset for success. It forces you to be humble and to be open to the contributions of others, and to be actively seeking ways to express thanks.

Showing appreciation motivates others

People like to be appreciated. The human spirit craves some sort of external validation and appreciation.

Sure, we can go for some time without a pat on the back, a note of appreciation, or a kind encouraging word.

However, gratitude sparks a level of enthusiasm within that is difficult to achieve otherwise.  We are social animals and as part of this reality, we thrive on encouragement from others.  It doesn’t have to be every day encouragement, but any positive validation has a great effect on our performance and self-worth.

Remember this when dealing with your children.

Oftentimes, we don’t remember to show appreciation for our children.  When you express sincere thanks and appreciation to your child, you spark a sense of esteem within them that will carry them through times of difficulty.

You are also being a great example to them of how they should learn to treat others.  Sadly, the ones we love the most, we often treat the worst.

Try to make a point to compliment your children, your spouse, and those people closest to you that you often neglect to thank.

It just might make their day.

Gratitude brings happiness

The best signal that you can project to others is that you are a happy, balanced and caring person.

By developing an attitude of gratitude, it’s hard to be unhappy.

If you’re able to achieve this level of happiness, your positivity can infect everyone around you.  No matter how difficult things may seem, there are always things you can be thankful for.  Every breath you take and every beat of your heart is a gift to be thankful for each day.

When you focus on being thankful for all the blessings in your life, you will begin to feel happiness and joy.

So, make it a point to focus on those wonderful things in your life, and your abundance will begin to soar.

Remember gratitude attracts things to be grateful for.

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To your best life, Today…

Coach John Pate

The PMS Expert

P.S. PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? The solution is located here:

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