Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Why Identifying your Perfect Customer ensures Success!

 Dear Fellow Dreamer and Achiever,

 How long are you going to live life passively? It is
easy to stand on the sidelines and cheer on your favorite
actor and try to live life without rocking the boat.

How would you like to go from Zero to a Modern hero?

Tired of falling for everything? I know where you are, I
have been there, of course it is in the rear view mirror.

 On todays Success Team Alliance Call, I share with you
how to talk to your target audience, so your impact is felt
and received with open arms so you can increase your bank
balance, sound interesting?

http://fccdl.in/yfEX5egKh (Recording of Today's Team Call 2-10-15)

I invite you to brush off the dust of defeat, or so it seems, as
this blog post or article is going to make you a champion to be
reckoned with, Forever.

Yesterday I shared with you why it is important to lead with your
story (listen here if you missed it http://fccdl.in/fCPy7Ijr1 )
instead of the status quo of sales pitches and marketing ones
opportunity which is the lowest form of messaging.

Now, lets take it to a whole new level of communication since your
in the Superior mode of communication, as promised today we will
discuss your perfect audience.

And for the record, your so ready for this because you own this
as it is your story that prevails, its inside of you and its time
to let it show forth, Ready?

I invite you to think about each of the top 20 most expensive keywords
on google today, perhaps you have had a story or an experience with one
of these?

1. Insurance
2. Loans
3. Mortgage
4. Attorney
5. Credit
6. Lawyer
7. Donate
8. Degree
9. Hosting
10. Claim
11. Conference Call
12. Trading
13. Software
14. Recovery
15. Transfer
16. Gas/Electricity
17. Classes
18. Rehab
19. Treatment
20. Cord Blood

Now if your not living under a rock and have not given up on life, I invite you
to take a look at this list, somehwere, some how you have a story that
involves one of these, right?

The reason why I bring this up is how to identify your target market, correct?
If these are the most expenesive keywords, as of this blog post, then why would
I bring them up?

All the big companies know where there market is and are willing to pay big
bucks to corner these people, so why shouldn't you? Of course I am not asking
you to pay big bucks, what I am saying is this-

Since we all have our story to tell, why not find where the active market is
and talk those people, now, trying to talk to all of them in a certain category
is pointless because we are not going to "get them all"

Instead, we must identify what our perfect customer is to us, who do you want
to spend a lot of time with, because being successful means a lifetime.

Are you looking for man, woman or both?
How old are they?
Are they married or divorced?
Have kids?
How much do they make in a year? 40k, 80k or more?
What are there names?

When you have your perfect customer in your mind, then you know who your
talking too, everything I do is with my perfect customers in mind and I
have named them Brad and Mary, now when I think of Brad or Mary or both
I write to them specifically, as it keeps me on track in my delivery.
I know everything about them, there likes, dislikes, there fears, every

Can you see how important this is, it is a very concise piece of the pie
instead of the entire pie, when you identify your perfect customer or
business partner, you get out of the "Lottery Mentality" and go
straight to the people who will listen to you because you only find
what your looking for...

If you go to the store to buy eggs, do you think your going to buy a
fishing pole? Of course not because your ideal product has been
identified and your going to go straight to the Eggs, everytime!

Knowing this I invite you to take a moment and think (really think)
about who do you want to talk too, when you do, you will have finally
achieved what most do not...Success!

Today is your day, design your perfect customer or partner and now
share your story/experience with that person that you created and
watch what happens. Doing this everyday will net you exactly what
you intended to receive, your perfect customer.

Talking to your perfect customer is like talking to your best friend,
it will be natural and fun and it will show in your writing, video or
audio that you share with the world that is bow tied specifically for
your perfect customer or partner.

If you have never done this before then I can almost be assured that
your not having the success you are longing for, doing this exercise
combined with your story will bring almost immediate results.
Tomorrow, I will share with you how to install a new "Reality Loop"
that will make this process go even faster.

I look forward to you enjoying our community!

To ensure you have proper content and attention material to market correctly,
I invite you to join our live Team Call M-F at 11am Est. for a fun, empowering
15 minutes that will change you and your life Forever.

 Dial 712-775-7031
 PIN 375401198#

If your looking to monetize your content, Now, feel free to browse around here
http://HotNewIdea.com  or if you desire more information in a concise 20 min. video that
explains how you get paid visit http://Leverage18.com

If you enjoyed this content or the recording please blog, share or comment
your circle will be truly grateful.

To your best life, Today...
John Pate
The PMS Expert

 P.S, PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? Bypass and get started here
http://ThePMSTeam.com this is my direct team to ensure your Success now not later!

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