Sunday, February 8, 2015

Change your Enviroment and Change your Life, Today!

Hello fellow Dreamer and Achiever,

 Have you ever wonder how to break out and be free?

 We all have a circle of people that tends to be in our lives
 which is either good or detrimental.

 On todays team call, we tear apart how to eliminate the conformity
 of enviroment programming so you have a recipe of success. (Recording of Today's Team Call 2-5-15)

 On average we have 5 really close friends, and history has shown
 that if you add up there incomes and divide by 5 your income is
 very close if not exactly what those 5 friends incomes are...

 Right down to the type of house you live in, the foods you eat,
 the car you drive etc..

 Case in point- I had a dear friend for over 10 years who was doing
 quite well, about 250k a year.

 This friend found his dream home in a neighborhood to start a family.
 After about a year, no matter how hard he worked, he could not top 70k
 a year even though he was doing the same efforts to make the before 250k.


 He had became a product of his enviroment, the house, the car, the schools,
 the activities all involved his new community of people who were working
 full time jobs making around 70k a year.

 You see, we are creatures of habit, and of patterns.

 The only way to break this cycle is to upgrade your enviroment. Of course
 I am not saying chuck everyone and sell the house and move (which sometimes
 happens to mirror your new habit pattern).

 What I am saying is to find people who have what you desire and join in there
 activity. When you do, you begin to update your thought patterns which will then
 change your enviroment, everytime.

 I know for me I was raised very poor, and this was the advise of my Father, he
 said, "Son, if you want what I have do what I do, but if you want better, find
 someone who has what you want and do what they do"

 Those words changed my life, and now I am offering it to you, once you begin this
 new way of living around the people who seemingly have what you want, the old enviroment
 will put up a fight BUT if you will hold the course, that old habit will give
 way to the new habit and magically you will become your new enviroment.
 The great news is that you can do this as often as you desire-(its called living
 abundantly and to your highest and best) when you stop doing this pattern of
 upgrading, that is called Death. Yes, you have settled and told the universe
 I have lived my best life and I am ready to move on...

 So avoid Poverty and Death and choose to Live, Live Abundantly by getting into
 the enviroment that best suites you and when that one is achieved, do it again
 always strive for your highest and best, when you do this, you give those in
 your enviroment permission and a road map how to be successful without preaching
 to them or alienating them...

 Become the miracle so that others (the people you care about) has hope knowing
 they too can do it because you have shown them how, if they choose not to go,
 they will fall away naturally. Some people are in your life for a reason or
 a season, Period.

 Find people who have what you want and get busy being in there lives and watch
 the miracles in your life, its really that simple.

 What are you choosing to do now that you know the recipe of Success?

 Life is about choices, choose well, its your life and you only live it once!

 Our team is here with open arms, to let you in so you begin the process Now
 not Later!

 To ensure you have proper content and attention material to market correctly,
 I invite you to join our live Team Call M-F at 11am Est. for a fun, empowering
 15 minutes that will change you and your life Forever.

 Dial 712-775-7031
 PIN 375401198#

 If your looking to monetize your content,Now, feel free to browse around here or if you desire more information in a concise 20 min. video that
 explains how you get paid visit

 If you enjoyed this content or the recording please blog, share or comment.

 To your best life, Today...

 John Pate
 The PMS Expert

 P.S, PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? Bypass and get started here this is my direct team to ensure your Success now not later!

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