Thursday, February 19, 2015

How to apply your tremendous power to have it all, Now...

Dear Fellow Dreamer and Achiever,

Are you aware just how powerful you are?

 You have tremendous power.

 And by applying this power that you
 have you can get what you want so that
 you live the life you want.

 When you apply this power correctly

 You can make more money,
 Meet the right person,
 Grow your business,
 Travel more,
 Have more free time,
 Reduce or eliminate stress,

 All of that and more is possible when you
 apply your power.

On todays Success Team Alliance Call, I share with you
how to apply your Power that you possess so you can be
do, have anything you desire! (Recording of Today's Team Call 2-19-15)

 Until now no one showed you just how to
 apply the tremendous power that you have.

 No one really explained just what this power
 is and how it really works.

 Well, today that all changes.

 Today I'll show you how just what this power is
 and to apply your power so that you get what
 you want in life. Read on...

 Everyday you're directing and applying your power.
 You do this with your thoughts, beliefs, and words
 This power is always at work.

 This power is your subconscious mind.

 It's connected to your higher power.

 It's connected to everyone and every thing.

 It will do what you tell it to do.

 It will follow your instructions.

 Those instructions are your thoughts, beliefs and words.

 Your subconscious will bring you the people,
 situations and opportunities that mirror what you
 say, think, and believe.

 So if you're negative, think of the worst,
 have doubts, worry and don't think things
 will work out then your life will simply get
 harder and harder.

 When you're negative you'll make the wrong choices,
 You'll associate with people who don't really help you.
 You'll get into the wrong relationships.

 And you'll make the wrong financial choices.
 Of course you don't want any of that to happen.
 You don't want to struggle and make your life harder.
 But you will continue to do that when you fill
 your mind with negative thoughts and negative beliefs.

 These negative thoughts and beliefs are blocks
 on your subconscious mind.

 They block your success and prevent you from
 breaking through and getting what you want.

 If you're not living the life you want,
 If you're not making as much money as you want,
 If you think of the worst.
 If you're saying things like:

"I can't."
"I don't know how"
"I don't have any money."
"Life's hard"

 Or any similar negative statements then
 you've got a number of blocks on your
 subconscious mind that are holding you back.

 You have to get rid of these blocks,
 get rid of the negative thoughts and negative beliefs.

 Nothing will change until you do.

 Instead, life will just get harder and things
 will continue to get more and more difficult.

 You've had enough.
 Now get rid of the negative thinking.
 Get rid of the negative beliefs.
 Get rid of the negative attitude.
 Get rid of the blocks.

 Direct your subconscious mind to bring you
 exactly what you want.

 Give it the right thoughts, and the right beliefs

 You want a better life.
 You want to have more money.
 You want to achieve your goals.
 You want to make the right choices.

 You can.
 You will.

 When you give your subconscious mind the right instructions
 Those instructions are your thoughts, and beliefs.

 Think of what you want and not what you don't want.
 Now track your thoughts.

 Do you think and believe that you
 can get what you want?

 Any thoughts that say you can't or any
 doubts that you have need to be changed.

 These negative thoughts also show that
 you have negative and limiting beliefs
 supporting those thoughts.

 They also need to be changed.

 Negative thoughts, and negative beliefs
 lead to an overall negative attitude.

 As you change them you'll change your attitude.
 You'll also get rid of the blocks that are
 preventing you from getting exactly what you want.

 The longer these blocks stay on your subconscious
 the stronger they get.

 And that's why life gets harder and that's why
 you'll continue to struggle (if these blocks remain).
 So get rid of these blocks today.

 Get rid of the negative thoughts and beliefs.

 Give your subconscious mind the right instructions.
 So that it brings you exactly what you want.
 So that you get what you want
 Put an end to the pain and struggle - start today:

 You have tremendous power.
 You can and will achieve all your goals.
 So that you get more of what you want.
 Apply this power to change your life.
 That power is your subconscious mind.

 Give it the right instructions so that you
 enjoy the life you want today.

 Believe in yourself and believe in your abilities
I invite you to start today, if you have not, to share You with
the perfect customer or persons you want in your life, so that
way you gain traction and begin to have the Success you long
for, it is really just that simple.

The Right Thoughts, leads to right Belief's that generates
the right words, which in turn cements the process. Doing
this consistently will net you your dream life, guaranteed!

To ensure you have proper content and attention material to
market correctly, I invite you to join our live Team Call
M-F at 11am Est
. for a fun, empowering 15 minutes that will
change you and your life Forever.

 Dial 712-775-7031
 PIN 375401198#

If your looking to monetize your content, Now, feel free to
browse around here a simple, yet powerful
business model that anyone can afford, with a very large return
with minimal upfront, 1-time-ONLY!

If you enjoyed this content or the recording please blog, share
or comment.

your circle will be truly grateful.

To your best life, Today...

John Pate
The PMS Expert

P.S, PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? The solution
is located here:
 Wishing you tremendous success...

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