Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How "Reality Loops" effect your Life, Good or Bad...

Dear Fellow Dreamer and Achiever,

what is a reality loop and how can you use it to your

Most people are living out a reality loop and not even
understanding exactly what's going!

On todays Success Team Alliance Call, I share with you
what and how Reality Loops, either hold you down or free
you into the life you really want, on Autopilot! (Recording of Today's Team Call 2-11-15)

What makes up a reality loop?

let me give you the four parts of the Reality Loop -

  • experience
  • perception
  • belief
  • response
How knowing this can help you-

Your Experience creates a Perception, your perception of that
experience creates a belief your belief dictates the response!

On our team calls I've been explaining exactly why you should
share your story or experience and your perception of that
experience actually dictates a belief that elicits a response
Most folks have had the same experience but they more than likely
have perceived it incorrectly!

Here is a  case in point-

What if a person had someone call them stupid, back when they were a
child, either from a parent, teacher or pastor whatever the case.

What that did was to creat a perception in that person's mind that
they were stupid which actually created the belief that they were
stupid so now anytime anything doesn't go their way they immediately
go back to the reality loop that is going and they perceived themself
being stupid.

All this reinforces the process, making it harder to overcome!

The reason why you want to share your experience is because your
perception of that experience is more than likely different than someone
else's perception of that same experience.

The only way you can change a reality loop is to attack the perception.
When you attack the perception, that's the emotional part of the loop,
so your perception of the a similiar experience, offers a new way to
look at it. Which is the beginning of healing and change!

Here is an example of why most people stay in a reality loop!

Do yourself a favor and record on your smartphone because tape recorders
are a thing of the past and say I am stupid, I am stupid, I am stupid now
play that recording back to yourself and now try to record something different
while that recording is playing the phrase you recorded.

It is not listening to you because it is a loop and its in playback mode. No
matter how hard you try to change what the recording says, nothing happens,
it keeps right on playing your recorded phrase, correct? You even can get
upset, raise your voice, throw a fit, and no matter what you do the recording
keeps playing....

Most people are in playback mode!

The only way you can change the recording is to change the perception of an
experience that creates a new belief which creates a new response!

This is why you need to share your experience because your perception is
what is actually driving that experience!

When you share your experience out there with the world and when you know
the right people that you're talking to your perception actually helps
heal their perception and gives them a new perception of the experience!

A new perception is the record button, which overwrites the experience,
which gives a new belief to operate from which in turn gives the desired

I hope you understand reality loops are running in all of us, in any
situation we have a reality loop playing!  Those loops, or programs is how
we live out our lives, good or bad.

Just imagine having to conciously think to breathe or make your heart beat!
That would take up our entire life, that is why it is done from a program.

Now that you know about "Reality Loops"  this is how you can use your reality
loops to affect real lasting change for you and your perfect customer/partner!

Attack the perception as it is the record button. The perception is the key to
changing your reality loop!

when you do this and you do it often you will attract the people into your life
because they now have a new perception and with a new perception you get a expected
response to that new perception of the experience that you share!

Your Perception of an Experience is the key to unlocking your freedom, Period.
Or you can continue with the "Reality Loop" you have created, Never share your
experience and the perception of the that Experience, trying to go it alone
expecting different results?

Perception is the Key to change the Reality Loop or program, doing this will
allow you to be in control and free a generation, Forever.

3 Steps to Success-
  • 1. Share your Experience-Perception-Belief-Response openly of a situation in your Life
  • 2. Know your perfect client and talk or share to them-ONLY
  • 3. Repeat Step 1
Hope you enjoyed today's post please share it with everyone make it a great day!
I look forward to you enjoying our community!

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If you enjoyed this content or the recording please blog, share or comment.
your circle will be truly grateful.

To your best life, Today...

John Pate
The PMS Expert

 P.S. PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? Bypass and get started here this is my direct team to ensure your Success now not later!

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