Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Why people think it takes money to make money...

Dear Fellow Dreamer and Achiever,

Are you the type that you think it takes money to
make money?

Lets put this in perspective, shall we?

On todays Success Team Alliance Call, I share with you the Biggest Lie that we tell ourselves, "Well, if I had money, I could make money!"


http://fccdl.in/wVH0mTPEn (Recording of Today's Team Call 2-17-15)

Far too many people use this excuse and it that "Stinkin
Thinkin" as I call it keeps way to many in bondage away
from there Destiny.

Yes, Money is important, but before the money is a belief,
which creates a perception, which dictates our response that
gives us the result.

If you have or are thinking this way, today's post is for

This belief of "If I had money I could make money" is a
very deceptive Reality Loop.

When you think this way, what you are realy saying is "I
am not good enough", and since that is your belief, like
I stated above, that dictates your result.

Today, this myth is going to be shattered as I am going
to offer you a new perception so that way, your belief
can be updated, which creates a new LOOP that leads to
a better Result.

Regardless of how you attained this belief, is irrelevant.

Having that belief running in your mind is counter productive;


Once this belief is allowed to take hold, it causes all sorts
of results, from fear of success, procrastination, low self
esteem, in-action, etc...

Even if you do share your real message with your perfect client
or business partner, it is doomed from the beginning because
your false belief of needing money, creates the result of
needing money, no matter how many times you do it.

Your underlying belief in your video's, blogs, emails, phone
calls will have that essence on them and trust me, people
sense it, which causes them to run for the hills.

How I am supposed to believe then?

If you would come to the realization that you are special
and that you matter, and then share your message with your
perfect client you have envisioned in your mind, your
message is now allowed to do what it is intended.

Far too often, we get blinded of this is not going fast
enough, but, if you will share your message, the money will
come as a by product instead of stopping the flow.

Yes, if your doing it with "No Money" at first, it will seem
slow, but the daily consistent action, with gratitude, for the
inspiration, the ideas etc..will cause an avalanche of money
over time.

Now of course when the money has started to come, you can
speed up the cycle-which is a topic for my advanced class-
but for now I want you to understand that by doing the
simple 3 step process, with the right mindset will create
the money you desire.

Please note-

When in the beginning it seems like nothing is happening
or results are not fast enough, in that moment, I want
you to say Thank You for the ideas and wisdom to create
my dream life.

When you do this, your inviting more ideas and wisdom to
keep pushing forward, success is easy but if your killing
your momentum by saying, what you see in the natural, that
just affirms more of what you see.

In that moment is the power to Choose, to be grateful for
for your message that you shared, the sooner you get this
new habit of believing before seeing, will you see what
you believe.

If you believe it takes money to make money, presto, you
get what you believe.

Truly successful people understand this principle, what
ever you can conceive (your wealth and success as you
see it for you) and believe (the words that come out
of your mouth about the subject) you will achieve.

So for today, I challenge you the moment the thought
comes up that it takes money to make more money, change it immediately to My life is filled with abundance of "Ideas" that brings abundance to me, thank you for the ideas and wisdom to effect real lasting change in my

Listen to this recording often, and prepare the table
for success because it is going to happen with
mathematical precision, Everytime!

I invite you to start today, if you have not, to share You with
the perfect customer or persons you want in your life, so that
way you gain traction and begin to have the Success you long
for, it is really just that simple.


To ensure you have proper content and attention material to
market correctly, I invite you to join our live Team Call
M-F at 11am Est. for a fun, empowering 15 minutes that will
change you and your life Forever.

Dial 712-775-7031
PIN 375401198#

If your looking to monetize your content, Now, feel free to
browse around here http://HotNewIdea.com a simple, yet powerful
business model that anyone can afford, with a very large return
with minimal upfront, 1-time-ONLY!

If you enjoyed this content or the recording please blog, share
or comment.

your circle will be truly grateful.

To your best life, Today...

John Pate
The PMS Expert

P.S, PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? The solution
is located here:

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