Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why Ron Paul should be President- What are your thoughts, concerns or ideas?

Dr. Ron Paul for President 2012, Pro’s and Con’s

I ran across some interesting comments and discussion on the matter of the presidential race and I wanted to expand on the topic by sharing it with you.

I normally do not express my opinions in a public format or get involved, I have talked with several of my multi-millionaire friends and “the Inner Circle” who’s who’s of the business world, they think that religion and politics should not be put out like this as it shakes up stuff to much.

Well, I have not been one for following the NORM-so the following is my opinion and if it offends you, forgive me!

I think it is time for a radical change not just a slogan, which from a marketing standpoint was genius but we need more than a polished speaker, my opionion, we need radical change, NOW!

May this go viral and get the truth out to all the voting members, only we can change this mess and that starts with a candidate that can and will shake up the hen house!

Help us to get a rooster (Ron Paul) in the house that will make the hens go to work laying eggs that will feed us as a Nation not golden eggs for their benefit!

For the people, by the people does mean something, get onboard and do the right thing for you and your family!

Good News, bad news it is all news! Sometimes rocking the boat brings attention to a situation that is important otherwise no one would comment or visit. “Change we can believe in” look what that did haha

The following Con view point is from Don Muller

He brings up some good points, be sure to read the response from Chris Kent:

What business has Ron Paul run?
How many jobs has he created?
Could he do well in a capitalistic country?

We need things like this in a President:

1). Has the Funds, organization, appeal to all, and the ability to demonstrate the weaknesses of his ultimate opponent.

2). He MUST have a view AND a plan (that most people accept) to reverse the out of control spending, and the deadlock in the House and Senate.

We cannot elect 1 more person “thinking” we understand him, and believing their vision is our vision. Most would say now that Baracks vision, is NOTHING like what they thought they were going to get.

ALTHOUGH the republicans especially Hannity spelled it out what a Socialist he is/was and we have NO IDEA what is coming. That PROVED CORRECT.

With Obama we thought we knew what he was talking about with his ideas for a “New America”. and a New Way To Do Things. We were promised deficit cuts, and a congress that works together.

We got the opposite of everything, and what is wrong with America, the Biggest Wrong is that we are becoming a Socialist State. Obama wants the USSA, the United Socialist States of America. Michelle Obama said early on that the had never been proud of her country until Barack was elected. That says a lot.

Ron Paul does not really seem that friendly, or personable. He does not seem like anything else is on his mind, but the constitution, individual rights and withdrawing from the world.

If that is his main focus, we will not undo our economic mess with him. We have no option to “gamble”, we have to know the next president understands the biggest problems threatening America, and has the wherewithal, and the ability to fix them.

Withdrawing from the world, will not solve worldwide economic problems. What is his business background that will put him on the ground running once elected?

Where is his fervor to help businesses, like ours even, so that we can stimulate the economy and hire people?

I think Ron Paul would have been incredibly better if elected in 2008. But, now we are in a deep crisis, the plane is crashing and we need a pilot that knows how to fly. We have NO TIME for on the job training.

I agree with Rush that this is the most important and significant election that has ever been, it is about survival.

We do not need to “fix” everyone’s individual rights, when the bigger problem is survival. Let’s not elect someone without knowing and believing they know whats wrong and know they can fix it. No more guessing, and hoping the prez will do the right thing.

Ron Paul, could end up being just as bad a president if he cannot get co operation, is not a deal maker, a peace maker, a smart man, and someone pointed in the right direction.

The same young people that want to elect Ron Paul also Elected the what many think is the worst person to the Oval office in history. Don’t forget that.
So a “young vote” is not enough

Answers to all you questions because they are good ones and are on many peoples minds.

These answers are from Chris Kent co-owner of Numis Network:

1. Dr. Ron Paul is a physician who has run his own practice. Has worked in the private sector and created jobs. He is not part of the Wall St elite that is part of the problem. He has done very well in the Capiltalist system and is the only candidate that believes in Free Markets.

2. Ron Paul does have the Funds(not as much as the Establishment candidates), his organization, voluteers, phone from home and ground game is far superior to any other candidate. The fact that he gets 50% of the independent vote and almost all of the young vote proves that he appeals to a broad base.

3. His is the only candidate that truly has a plan for real cuts in the out of control spending. A vote for any other candidate is a vote for the status quo. Not one president has shrunk the size of the govt in 30 yrs.

4. Our president doesn’t have to be personable or friendly. He has to be smart and have the ability to get the job done. Just because you are a good orator doesn’t mean you policies will move the country in the right direction. Steve Jobs wasn’t very personable or friendly and he did a pretty good job with Apple.

5. As far a withdrawing from the world. Ron Paul is the only candidate that believes in free markets. Not markets that are controlled and manipulated by the government. That meeans free trade with countries like Cuba.

6. Ron Paul is the only candidate that predicated the economic mess. The reason he was able to predict it is because he is the only candidate that really understands the cause of the bubbles and the business cycle. He will fix it because he understands what caused is. Every other candidate just wants to mask the symptoms. Kinda like taking a presciption drug for the rest of your life to mask the symptons instead of getting to the cause and curing yourself. Dr Paul has the cure.

7. I encourage you to read Dr. Paul’s books get better aquainted with his economic background. He wants the govt out of the free market. That will help all of our businesses.

End of answers from Chris Kent!

What are your thoughts, concerns or ideas? All comments are welcome!

God Bless America or better yet, America Bless God! Aman

Vote your heart with the right information, thank you!

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John Pate
Skype: pate.john
Email: supportfromjohn@gmail.com

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