Thursday, January 12, 2012

The more you know about Marketing and Business, the lazier you get!

Marketing & Business are simple, just do something!

The more one know's about marketing or business, the less they do...have you noticed that. We get all goo goo eyed at the big names who are knocking it out of the park, and so we have to stop our business to learn the latest fad, or trick... what are they doing with there marketing and business?

ACTION creates ACTION or Motion creates Motion.

You see, the more time you spend learning business and marketing, that takes away from your the hidden energy that provides the result.

Have you ever heard of ignorance on fire? I personally would rather have a 100 of those as one accomplished "know it all" you know what I mean, you have this super person talking about all they are going to do, how they can do it, they sign up, your excited because your going to be rich, and then NOTHING happens...(been there so many times, lost my count)

Back to how the bigtime people do it, Action means a body in motion, Inaction is a body at rest:

Now with that being said, see if this sounds familiar-

You set lofty well intended goals, and then you rush around trying to find information about how to market, the latest trend, what's the magic bullet of the day, right!

The bigtime marketers know this and guess what they offer you, exactly, information on the latest trend, facebook marketing platform whatever, there is no shortage of it,


They learned that action creates more action, so they take action to offer a service that creates inaction so they can take action to create another service or tool that promotes inaction.

The more you learn about Marketing and Business, you start doing a little of this method here, a little of that black hat trick there and you see NO results, so you go back to playing games on facebook, watching tv etc...

Then low and behold, there is another commercial, email or service that promotes LAZINESS, whoops I mean the latest and greatest way to get all the riches you ever desired.

For 21 years, I have been following this one thing, granite I do not know much about marketing, business or any advanced stuff, what I do is to set a small attainable goal and take action, do the action of an ad, an email or a blog post and let it go!

It does not matter what you say in the ad, you could hire some ugly person to dance around naked holding signs and put it on youtube directing people to your website (it may not work but? lol) bottom line is make it your goal to do one sale a day, it may take you 6 days, 6weeks or 6 months but it will happen, want to know why?


What would you do if every grocery store went out of business, and you were starving, I bet you would learn how to get food in a hurry wouldn't you.

The problem with all those gurus selling you more how too is they learned if they can make it sound comfortable for you to get rich you will buy! That's it PERIOD...

Refrain from anything comfortable, teach your brain to do what is uncomfortable and you will see tremendous almost super natural help show up, sometimes completely out of the blue!

What ever your comfort is, is what is zapping your intensity, if you place your intensity high around food, making a sale a day, spending more time with family and friends, what ever it is, The law of physics will take over and the corresponding energy will show up!

Don't think it is true, do this, REFRAIN from eating or drinking for 24 hours (I am personally doing it right now, on my 17th hour) and see how your brain tries to make you go for that pizza, or whatever your favorite food is, the more you refrain, you will train your brain that you are in control and a major breakthrough will happen.

You can do this with your crack berry (I mean black berry) media, what ever you think you have to have, refrain for a set amount of time and focus on what it is you want every time the feeling of I have to have it, in that moment you feel or think that while your refraining, just say NO, I am going to make a sale a day, or whatever it is your doin it for.

Me personally, I am doing a 24 hour absolute fast from food and water, followed up with a 4 day food fast, I started the year off with a 3 day fast and had some major mountains moved out of my life, so for me I know it works.

Don't get lazy with information, just do something everyday, no matter how small or ridiculous it is and you will start accumulating intensity around the thing and that magic will happen, I promise!

Better yet, get something like this and push a button to get people that are interested right now and use this tool to contact them all, if they sign up, great if not, do it again tomorrow, just keep doing something!  Action creates Action-Everytime!-Read more about it here:

If you enjoyed this post please comment and share if you want more content like this

John Pate
Skype: pate.john

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