Saturday, January 7, 2012

How to make Everyday a Friday-is it possible? TGIF

Just imagine your feelings like you have on Friday but every day of the week, is it possible?

That feeling of come on 5 o clock, and then it arrives, you feel so elated, the possibility of what fun and exciting times await, where do I go, who do I want to have fun with, well Great News!

It's not only possible to feel like you do on Friday but it is an absolute fact that feeling can be generated Everyday! Have the TGIF feeling 7 days a week on autopilot.

The following is excerpts from Joel Osteen's book-  Everyday a Friday, How to be happier 7 days a week... It is worth the read, if you have not read it, here are the cliff notes from my point of view.

Here is a 6 step plan to make  Everyday a Friday happen for you:

1. Don't Give Away your Power you need it all for you.

What I mean is stop complaining about how bad it is, or I don't have enough money or can you believe what so and so said.  When you complain you remain stuck in that position and most likely you will be subjected to this test until you get it, if you would just turn the complaining into praise (gratitude) you will be raised, taken to a new level. 

When you feel like complaining, catch yourself, this has to a conscience effort until you do it long enough to create a habit when the feeling of complaining strikes but once it is a habit, it is so wonderful. 

If you do not like something, find something about it that you can be grateful about and you will bring into your world more things to be grateful about.

For Example:

My spouse gets on my nerves - find something good like, My spouse is an excellent kisser (you get the point-just find something no matter how small it is)

Memorize this phrase-

If I Complain I remain when I Praise I will be raised...

2. Know what to ignore, run your race and let others run there’s.

Too often our Joy is robbed from us by our on need to stick our noses where they do not belong.  We interject our opinion in a bad situation or just plain give our Joy away by allowing some one’s bad day to effect us.

If we could learn the art of forgive quickly and zip our lips, we would realize most of the time that we would be happy not getting involved.

Most of the time our perspective is way off basis and that destroys our moods.

A lot of people are losing their jobs, have you ever thought that is a blessing in disguise?

You may lost your job so that a better one can come to you, as long as you were at that old job you were stopping the gift of a new job where you could excel, be promoted, heck even appreciated.

Taking life from a different perspective and looking at the brighter side of life is hard but it is worth it, I have never heard of someone on their death bed saying “bring me my latest bank statement and my assets portfolio” No, instead they want friends and family members.

Live a no regrets life, we only get one shot, if someone has wronged you, forgive them, you will be vindicated if you keep on the high road.  Forgive yourself, most of the time you are carrying hurt done by another that is doing nothing but hurting you, I bet the other person does not even know you are hurt.  This too shall pass, Forgive and let go so the miracle can be unleashed into your life.

3. Live without crutches, you do not need to depend on anyone as you have tremendous power and talents yourself.

I have seen so many people that are diamonds in the rough, they are so talented and the potential inside of them is so great that it would change mankind.

The Problem is they allow themselves to live by the approval of others, I am not saying to be a jerk what I am saying is, you have seeds of greatness in you and the only way to get them to take root is to plant them.

Yes, sometimes people will not understand, That’s OK, ever great Man or Woman had naysayers, yet when asked “what do you think about this person” they say who is that, and the person asking the question says it is your biggest outspoken critic. 

You see, if you run your race and focus on your dreams, goals and aspirations, you will not be distracted by all the turmoil going on around you, I promise staying focused you will attract into your world people that will celebrate you and help you to achieve your goals. 

The others will come around and if they do not, they did not need to be in your life in the first place.  Just say thank you for helping to know I am doing what is in my heart and to let them go.  If they are truly for you, they will come around…Guaranteed!

4.Laugh often, researchers have reported that children laugh 200 times per day, adults laugh on average 14 times a day, laugh, it is free..I will explain why this is so important;

Our society numbs us down, we get so busy chasing the golden handcuffs that we let life just pass us by, you speed through life thinking you have to go go GO to make your dreams come about, that maybe true but, there has to be a balance of work and play.

Why show up to death a bitter person. See how this makes you feel:

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other - body thoroughly used up and totally worn out, screaming: WOO HOO! What a kick ass ride!"


"Work like you don't need the money, love like you'll never get hurt, and dance like nobody's watching."

Stop relying on people to make you feel good, do what your heart tells you and if they do not understand, keep going, if they catch up, great if not, lucky you, your dream is still intact.

5. Be a dream releaser, the fastest way to attain your dreams is to help others achieve there’s.

I am pretty sure you have heard this, “Whatever you sow you shall reap” if you want money give money (cheerfully) if you want time, give time, if you want love, give love.

Too often our society has programmed us to be self centered prideful arrogant people, I know I became one and paid the price- Read my post on it here-

The programming is flawed, the age ole principle of “whatever you sow you shall reap” applies every time for both good and bad, choose the path that you think is best.

Just know if you’re broke, you’re holding onto your money to tightly, if you’re depressed, you have not given love, if you do not have the time, you are destroying the precious moments with those you are running so hard for.

You do not have to go overboard, just a few kind words here, play a game with your child, give your loved ones a hug, be happy you have a car to be stuck in that traffic, as a lot of people do not even have that..get your perspective right, be kind, loving and happy with everyone you meet, do not pre-judge as you do not know their story on why they did what they did, just smile and move on.

This works, try it, I switched my mind to this and my life is getting better and better…I love you and here is my smile to you J pass it on!

6. Celebrate yourself; take pride in knowing that the mold was destroyed the moment you were born.

Even if you’re a twin, triplet or whatever the truth about you is that you are a magnificent unique creation.  Every gift, talent and ability is your own to use and to express.

Regardless of whatever is going on in your life, the most powerful weapon you have is your smile.  Your smile conveys so much about who you are it is insane. When life throws you a curve ball, send it back as a fast ball, right down the middle at 100 mph. Smile and know that you are a wonderful being…

I have never seen anyone like you, you are smart, talented and your beauty shines like a beacon in the night. 

Self esteem and a healthy self image is your birth right, you worth is priceless!  Take pride in the fact of who you are, if you are lacking in an area, do not beat yourself up, do something about it so you feel whole.

There will never be another YOU, so share you with the world, I am so grateful to have met you, you have changed my life for the better…

If you enjoyed this post please comment and share if you want more content like this

John Pate

P.S. Smile on purpose and you will invite all the good into your life!

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