Monday, January 23, 2012

How to overcome any Obstacle, Immediately

How to overcome any Obstacle, Immediately
In my short 37 years that I have been doing this journey called life, I have been met with tremendous obstacles. I was what one would call a military brat, we moved 23 times before I was 17 years old, believe it or not I was shy, had limited resources you name it I had it.

My family was split apart, suffered divorce, passed around to family members and children's homes, and in my adult life, I was homeless eating out of trash cans. As you can see I have had some major obstacles.

The 6 Key's to overcome anything are below plus a Bonus way to immediately overcome any obstacle.

I learned sometimes by force (which is very unpleasant) that an obstacle is just a stepping stone for a higher level. That challenge is being allowed into your life because you can handle it, if you could not handle it, the challenge or obstacle would not be there. We learn under fire not when things are going great, the bigger the obstacle, the bigger the reward.

So your wondering how can I immediately get over an Obstacle, your thinking John, buddy, if you just knew my situation you would not say that...I hear ya, so I have put these steps as I have learned them to give you a road map to overcome your obstacle.

1. Stay focused on the positives instead of the negatives. No matter what obstacles have come my way, staying positive has allowed me to overcome them. When I was homeless, atranged from my family, no one to confide in, I knew that it was only temporary. The glass is half full was a habit developed by fire. Being positive is staying focused on what is not (your dream) regardless of the way you feel, (this is not going to work out) if you are unable to stay happy in the storm, get a better dream for your life!

Change your but's to "and" and watch what happens. My life is a wreck and I know it is getting better or I do not have any money and I know my abundance is on it's way. Whatever you have to do to make it "FEEL" better do it, it is worth it, trust me!

2. Don't ever give up.
When I first moved under that bridge and was subjected to eating out of trash cans, guarding my life against all sorts of evil, including murder you can read more about it here Storms will rage, the winds will blow, just know this, a plane takes off into the wind so it can use the resistance to rise higher to where it is calm and smooth. This too shall pass!

3. Challenge yourself and try new things every day.
As soon as I wake up in the morning, I encounter a new challenge -- whether it's trying to brush your teeth with the opposite hand you normally use or have breakfast for supper. As long as you try, that's all that matters in the end. Stop being a sheople (sheep) and experience new paths, not the same ole one you do everyday.

4. Each day you should ask yourself if you're happy.
If there's something that's making you unhappy, you should find a way to make change. I find myself unhappy whenever I'm surrounded by negative people. Now I'm more cautious of the people with whom I surround myself. Choose your friends and companions like your starting a Fortune 500 company.

5. Smile.
A smile goes a long way. Whenever people are staring or laughing at me for whatever reason, keeping a smile on my face causes them to wonder why I don't react. It is your most powerful weapon, use it often!

6. Don't compare yourself to others and find time to celebrate your little accomplishments.
I always set my own goals. Although we all wish we could get there as fast as it seems others have, I've found ways to enjoy the journey and celebrate each little success on the way. Yes models are great like Ray Higdon, Dave Woods, Joel Osteen, Marci Shimoff. Yet, know their molds were broken when they were born, just like yours! You are a unique person with far greater talents than any other person. You were born to be a superstar and you are, celebrate you, throw a party! It is great to be you...I know I love to be me (smiling)

Bonus Tip:
Take all out action, Action moves you out of the self pity and sorrow of the obstacle...
It's like this, you want drink of water, you feel how good it would be to have a sip and the glass of water is on the counter, what do you wish it to come to you? If that is the case your not as thirsty as you thought, BUT if your really thirsty and the glass of water is on the counter, you get your butt up and take ACTION to retrieve it, NOW!

Action creates Action

In-Action creates Misery, pain, Depression and defeat!

Get off your big "BUT's" and do something, anything and the obstacle will be a distant memory, Guaranteed.
Next time you’re out and about, try to find someone to smile at and say hello to. If they look like they’re struggling, try to help them out. Take the chance to learn from them. Be the best you, you can be and it will come back to you multiplied, I promise.

If you enjoyed this post please comment and share if you want more content like this

John Pate
Skype: pate.john

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