Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What are your limiting beliefs about money?

John Pate business coach

What are your limiting beliefs about money?

What are your limiting beliefs about money?

Dear Reader,

Do you know that Beliefs are everything!

If I asked you what color is the sky, you would

immediately say “Blue” Why?

You believe with every ounce of your being that

the answer is “Blue” so no matter what I say, you

will still believe it to be Blue, the reason is,

You Know, that You Know, that You know the sky

is blue, it is your Belief and your beliefs are


Todays topic is about Money, what is your belief of

this topic? Do you have an abundance of it?

If not…

Here’s the challenge that so many of you are having…

You’re smart and you know that you need to have positive

beliefs about money if it is going to flow freely into your life…

That means you feel like you can’t admit your limiting beliefs

about money…fear of being exposed keeps the limiting belief

running strong.

On todays Success Team Alliance Call,

I share with you how to use a simple ancient and forgotten

ritual that will speed up the change to your limiting belief’s

on Money and any other limiting belief you may be operating

from! (Recording of Today’s Team

Call 3-4-15)

Are you Struggling to make money? Or, your making good money

but you can never get higher than your previous best, If so,

this post is for you.

So you fake it. You tell yourself and others that you believe

there is more than enough for everyone and that abundance

and prosperity are your birthright and yet…


So what’s the deal?

The deal is that you are on the right track, but you haven’t actually

changed the limiting beliefs you have about money. So they are

still there, defining your reality.

If you want a different reality, you need a different belief.

And the first step is to acknowledge what your limiting beliefs

are in the first place.

Don’t worry, by identifying them, we aren’t going to wallow in them,

in fact, it’s the opposite, when you actually stop and identify what

your real, limiting beliefs are about money, you begin releasing them.

So, do you know what your limiting beliefs are about money?

To reveal your limiting beliefs about money, ask yourself this question…

“I don’t have an abundance of money because ________________. ”

And whatever you put in the blank after because is what you

really believe about money. Ask yourself this question as many times

as you can until you finally run out of answers, then you will have revealed

ALL of your limiting beliefs about money.

And here’s the great news…

Awareness alone starts the shift within you. Once that shift begins,

THEN your beliefs change, and THEN your reality changes.

Here is a method to speed up that change, now I know it may seem a

little weird but if you do some research, all the great heroes’ of

all time used to do this very method.

We got away from it because we are now civilized!

Here is what you do to speed up the change process.

Take the answers to the above question and write them down, you may

have only a few, but there might be several pages, none the less,

write them down.

Next, after you have completely ran out of answers to that question,

take the answers outside and say, thank you for letting me go, you

have served your purpose and your service is no longer needed.

I send you back to where you came from…and BURN the answers!

As soon as the smoke is done, ask yourself a new question.

“Why do I have an abundance of money?”

Why do this?

All those negative belief’s have been brought to the surface and

symbolically been removed. This creates a vast void in your

operating system (mind). If left unchecked, your mind will go

into “Freak Out Mode” meaning, its purpose of keeping you safe

has been removed. Regardless if those belief’s were bad or not!

If left void, a lot of seemingly bad things will start happening.

Your mind is trying to re-create its programs, and if you start

experiencing events that are really bad, your mind is trying to

get you to react to it so it can re-install what you un-installed.

When you ask the question, (several times), especially when you start

experiencing a tornado of seemingly bad stuff, that question is

designed to use all the power from your CPU (mind) that has been freed

up, to get busy bringing the answer that you desire.

Since you have freed up a lot of power, that question will soon

fill the void with empowering solutions, very rapidly.

What ever comes up after you ask the question, “Why do I have

an abundance of money?” do it immediately, no matter how

bizarre it seems to you.

This will bring about the change (which may seem frightening at

first) but it will right the course of your life, Every time!

You can repeat this model with every area of your life, spiritual,

physical, relational etc..

When you do, please share your story or comments on how it effected

your life and current events…

I believe in you!

You are extraordinary!

To ensure you have proper content and attention material to

market correctly, I invite you to join our live Team Call

M-F at 11am Est. for a fun, empowering 15 minutes that will

change you and your life Forever.

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 PIN 375401198#

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If you enjoyed this content or the recording please blog, share

or comment.

your circle will be truly grateful.

To your best life, Today…

John Pate

The PMS Expert

 PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready? The solution

is located here:


What are your limiting beliefs about money?

The post What are your limiting beliefs about money? appeared first on John Pate business coach.

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