Thursday, February 12, 2015

Why and How to Share your Experience,to Create the results you Desire...

Dear Fellow Dreamer and Achiever,

What do you do now that you know the superior way of talking people?

What I found the more traumatic, exciting or just life altering the
experience the situation or whatever that you're sharing with people
should answer that question.

On todays Success Team Alliance Call, I share with you
where and why want to share your experience, Today, and the benefits
of not Procrastinating! (Recording of Today's Team Call 2-12-15)

Now think of your favorite movie. You find a movie that truly excites
you, shakes you to your core and just leaves you filling with, WoW!

The first thing we do as human beings is we want to tell someone, correct?
Now on yesterday's call I explained exactly the phenomenon that's going
on you know when you share your experience your perception your belief
that creates a result, correct?

Well now that you know that, the common theme that I was hearing yesterday

what do I do with this information?

Well common sense should prevail!

The only way you're going to have a result, is to do the first part of the
reality loop which is to share your experience. Now it could be through a
video, it could be through audio, it could be through a blog post or an email, etc.

Now when you do that and you do it on a daily consistent basis, what you're
doing is putting experience ur basically throwing a rock into the pond.
If you're standing on the shore and its slick as glass and you're wondering
why you haven't gotten any results is because you're sitting around doing
what most people do which is wishful thinking.

The only way to create action is to share your experience, for example throwing
your rock into the pond. When the rock (your experience) is thrown into the pond
it creates a splash and then after the splash you get ripples.

Well, eventually if you only do it one time the lake will become still as glass
again. what you want to do is consistently, on a daily basis, share your experience.
If you don't want to share your experience, share what you're hearing on these calls
from your point of view  and your perception because that's the key to sharing the
experience and changing someone else's experience so that way you're getting the
results that you're looking for.

Now, surely people understand that you cannot just do it one time and expect to
have major success? Most successful people that have employed this model have
done about 70 to 80 post and when they've done that they have invited a huge following
because you employed Step 2, which is to talk to your perfect client/business partner.

By sharing, (consistently), you're basically writing your posts and you're sharing
your information out there on the Internet, its written in ink, so to speak, it's never
going anywhere.

So now, once people start trusting you you're building a fan base, that trust you, and
begin to look forward to theinformation that you are sharing. It happens everytime!
On tomorrow's call, I'm going to show the importance of why we're doing this and what
the community is actually doing, the dynamics behind that, but for now I want to
basically emphasize the point of sharing your information.

So to anser the question of, you where do you share your information- well social media is
one or  you can go and get a free WordPress account, there's multiple places that you can
share for free.

Any place is better than No place, just putting it out there is going to do more than not
putting it out there.

If you would learn to do this on a daily basis, you will then have enough content out
there sharing your experience the correct way you will attract the community of people
that you are looking for and I'll explain more about that on tomorrow's call but for
this call, I want to dispel the fear of sharing and where to share.

Do what you feel is most comfortable for you, shoot a video, do an audio, or write it, those
who employ all of this models and then share it in a social setting will have dramatic results.

If you don't want to share your experience, then what you need to do is come to these live
calls and then use these live calls as an experience, your perception of these live calls
with your belief's this will literally give the result that you're looking for and that's
why we do these calls Monday through Friday so that way you have exactly the right information
to talk about, cause most people do not literally know what to talk about even though I say
share your experience of something that happened in your life.

A lot of people fail to do that?

So the more places that you share your experience the the more content that you have for
your audience to find you faster it's totally up to you.  You dictate your paycheck, share
the information in as many places as possible, procrastination is what literally holds most
people back.

Do it everyday and I promise you you will see the results from it, on tomorrow's call will
explain what is going on and why you're doing what you're doing so that way it helps build
you a community of fanatical fans.

Share your experience, today, now, while it is fresh in your mind, and when you do, you will
be way ahead of the curve.

To ensure you have proper content and attention material to market correctly,
I invite you to join our live Team Call M-F at 11am Est. for a fun, empowering
15 minutes that will change you and your life Forever.

 Dial 712-775-7031
 PIN 375401198#

If your looking to monetize your content, Now, feel free to browse around here a simple, yet powerful business model that anyone can
afford, with a very large return with minimal upfront, 1-time-ONLY!

If you enjoyed this content or the recording please blog, share or comment.
your circle will be truly grateful.

To your best life, Today...

John Pate
The PMS Expert

 P.S, PMS Stands for Permanent Money Solutions, Ready?

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